A New Mindset
[Philippians 2:1-11] Demonstrating the love of Jesus requires bowing your knee to King Jesus
Let Justice and Righteousness Flow
[Amos 5:18-27] A life of justice and righteousness flows from a heart of worship
A Journey from Smypathy to Empathy
We need to emulate our High Priest and Savior who understands all that we experience
A Funeral Song
[Amos 5:1-17] If we seek God and His goodness we will find life in His presence
Meet Your God
[Amos 4] Are you prepared to meet your God?
From Privilege to Punishment
[Amos 3:1-15] Faith is the path from punishment to privilege
I’ve Seen Enough
[Amos 1 – 2] Have you seen enough of yourself to know you need a Savior outside of yourself?
Amaziah vs Amos
[Amos 1:1-2; 7:10-17] Our desire is that we would be listening as God is speaking
I Have Seen the Lord
[John 20:1-18] What do you see when you see the empty tomb?
Let this cup pass from me
[Matthew 26:36-46] Jesus consumed the wrathful cup so we wouldn’t be consumed by it