Men, Women, & Worship
[1 Timothy 2:8-15] The church is a gathering where we trust God’s design and partner together to make disciples
Praying People
[1 Timothy 2:1-7] Do the desires of our prayers reflect the desires of our God?
Christ Came to Save
[1 Timothy 1:12-20] The Gospel that saves us is the Gospel that commissions us
Gospel Truth
[1 Timothy 1:1-11] God’s church must be dependent on
That You May Believe
[John 20:19-29] Has Jesus’ resurrection led to your transformation?
Jesus Stepped Forward
[John 18:1-11] When we needed a savior, Jesus stepped forward
Jesus Prays for Us
[John 17:20-26] Does your heart align with Jesus’ heart for us?
Your Word is Truth
[John 17:6-19] The truth of Jesus saves, sustains, and sanctifies
Praying for Glory
[John 17:1-5] Does my life glorify the one who glorified the Son?
Can’t Stop Talking
[Acts 4:1-31] Have boldness by having a proper view of who you serve, who you are in Christ, and the source of your power