The Baptism of the King
[Matthew 3:13-17] Jesus’ mission was to make righteousness possible for unrighteous people
The Forerunner of the King
[Matthew 3:1-12] Jesus’ kingdom is populated by people who have repented of their sin and rely on Him
Better Than Life
[Psalm 63] We worship God by fainting for Him, and feasting on Him
My Hope is in You
[Psalm 39] God’s discipline is meant to draw us to Him, not away from Him
The Abundance of God
[Psalm 36] When we trust God’s abundance our response will be dependence
The Skies and Scriptures
[Psalm 19] What God sees and hears from us should reflect what we have seen and heard from Him
The End of the Matter
[Ecclesiastes 12] Our lives will be more than vanity when Jesus is our greatest reality
The Gift of Uncertainty
[Ecclesiastes 11] Accepting the gift of uncertainty frees us from pretending to be God
The Fragrance of Folly
[Ecclesiastes 10] Does my life reveal a heart of wisdom or folly?
Certainly Uncertain
[Ecclesiastes 9] Have you embraced God’s sovereignty as your certainty?