Safe Environment
Through all of our ministries for children we prioritize opportunities to teach God’s Word in an age-appropriate way and in a safe environment. All of the helpers and teachers who volunteer in our children’s ministries go through background checks. If you have any questions about our FBC Kidz Ministries or about anything you read below then please contact Aly Goszewski, our Children’s Ministry Director by phone (908-859-1230) or by email ( and she will get back to you as soon as possible.
Sundays and FBC Kidz
During our Worship Service on Sundays we have programs for your kids! The FBC Kidz Check-In area is located in the foyer and there will be a volunteer by that station to help you get situated and answer any questions you might have.
For the Nursery (0 to 2 years old) and Children’s Church (3 years old to 5 years old), once your child is checked in they will go to their appropriate room for the entire service (which lasts about an hour).
For the SunShine Club (Kindergarten to 4th grade), those children will start in the sanctuary with all of the adults for the songs and they will be dismissed to their class right before the preaching begins.
Kids4Truth (K4T) meets on Wednesdays during the school year from 6:30-8:00PM. K4T is a program designed to help kids describe both what they believe and why they believe it as they explore 12 major doctrines found in the Bible. To accomplish that goal your kids will participate in singing, Scripture memory, lesson times, and other fun activities each Wednesday night.

Click HERE to learn more about Kids4Truth and register your kids for the 2023-2024 program year starting on September 6th!

YouTube Playlist of FBC Kidz Songs with motions!
Aly and some of our students recorded these songs with motions for your kids to enjoy!