Sermons on Colossians
United With Christ
“[Colossians 2:6-15] Baptism is the celebration of our unity with Christ”
Better Together
[Colossians 4:7-18] Does Jesus have supremacy and centrality in your life?
Praying and Pursuing
[Colossians 4:2-6] Has your pursuit of Jesus led you to pursue people?
Transformed Relationships
[Colossians 3:18 – 4:1] Is the name of Jesus the greatest reality in our relationships?
In with the New (Pt. 2)
[Colossians 3:15-17] Our worship of Christ should be as constant as our identity in Christ
In with the New
[Colossians 3:9-14] Are we becoming who we are in Christ?
Out with the Old
[Colossians 3:5-11] Don’t live defeated by what has been defeated
A Heavenly Mentality
[Colossians 3:1-4] We will never have a heavenly mentality until Jesus is our greatest reality
We celebrate Christmas by receiving peace from God and giving praise to God
Christmas is the celebration of the significance and priority of Jesus