Sermons on Matthew
Unexpected Blessings
[Matthew 5:1-12] What blessings will you value in 2025?
An Unlikely Family Tree
[Matthew 1:1-17] If messed up people can lead to Jesus, then messed up people can follow Jesus
The Call of the King
[Matthew 4:12-25] Have you responded to the call of the King?
The Temptation of the King
[Matthew 4:1-11] We bow before Jesus because He refused to bow before Satan
The Baptism of the King
[Matthew 3:13-17] Jesus’ mission was to make righteousness possible for unrighteous people
The Forerunner of the King
[Matthew 3:1-12] Jesus’ kingdom is populated by people who have repented of their sin and rely on Him
The Greatest Commandment?
[Matthew 22:34-40] Does your greatest love belong to the greatest King?
A Real Resurrection?
[Matthew 22:23-33] When our earthly life is past, our God will still be present
Who is the Greatest?
[Matthew 18:1-6] Greatness in the heavenly Kingdom is measured by a child-like trust in the heavenly King
What about Tradition?
[Matthew 15:1-20] You can’t worship with your hands until you worship with your heart