Sermons on Matthew (Page 2)
[Matthew 19:1-12] God designed marriage to be a picture of His sacrificial, unending commitment to His church
Are You the One?
[Matthew 11:1-15] Jesus is the unquestioned King who welcomes our questions
Let this cup pass from me
[Matthew 26:36-46] Jesus consumed the wrathful cup so we wouldn’t be consumed by it
The Promise of Christmas: His Reign
The reign of Jesus is our only hope for peace
Come and Feast
[Matthew 22:1-14] We have been called, chosen, and clothed to celebrate Christ
Equal Grace
[Matthew 19:27-20:16] God’s grace is always undeserved, and God’s grace is always available
Forgiven Forgiver
[Matthew 18:21-35] God calls us to forgive in the same measure that we have been forgiven
Greater Growth, Greatest Treasure
[Matthew 13:31-35, 44-46] When the reign of Jesus is our greatest treasure, worshipping Him will be our greatest joy
Wheat, Weeds, & Waiting
[Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43]
Trusting the King means waiting for His kingdom
The Sower We Need
[Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23] Is the soil of your heart receptive to the seeds Jesus has shown?