Sermons by Jon Heisterkamp
Good News
[1 Cornthians 15:1-11] The good news of Jesus is life changing
Pastor Jon’s Farewell Service
[1 Timothy 1:12-19] Fighting the Good Fight
Grace to be Yours
[1 Peter 1:10-12] The Gospel is beyond our comprehension and beautiful to contemplate
Honor your Parents
[Exodus 20:12] God will be eternally honored through parents pointing their children to Jesus
The Baptism of the King
[Matthew 3:13-17] Jesus’ mission was to make righteousness possible for unrighteous people
The Forerunner of the King
[Matthew 3:1-12] Jesus’ kingdom is populated by people who have repented of their sin and rely on Him
The Gift of Uncertainty
[Ecclesiastes 11] Accepting the gift of uncertainty frees us from pretending to be God
The Joy and Fear of Knowing God
[Ecclesiates 5] Joy from God is connected to fear of God
Spinning Your Wheels
[Ecclesiastes 2] Joy under the sun is possible when you live for the One over the sun
I AM: The Bread of Life
[John 6:22-71] Jesus promises an eternal, fulfilling life if we believe that He is all we need