Sermons by Tim Pyne
Glorious Calling
[2 Timothy 1:5-12] Is God’s purpose my priority?
Unexpected Blessings
[Matthew 5:1-12] What blessings will you value in 2025?
Glory in the Highest & Lowest
[Luke 2] Glory to God in the Highest because His glory has come to the lowest
A Greater Covenant
[2 Corinthians 3:7-4:6] Has seeing the glorious incarnation caused a glorious transformation?
I Saw the Lord
[Isaiah 6 & 8] We will view Christmas correctly when we see the manger through the lens of the throne
Glory Departed
[Exodus 33:1-4] We can’t enjoy the glory of Christmas without experiencing the presence of Christ
Suffering and Blessing
[1 Peter 3:13-17] When hope replaces fear, blessing overcomes suffering
Called By God
[1 Peter 3:8-12] Fulfillment is not found in the absence of suffering but the absence of sin
Kingdom focused marriage
[1 Peter 3:1-7] When we value Christ’s kingdom we will prioritize our marriage
Servants and Suffering
[1 Peter 2:18-23] How we think about God determines how we respond to suffering