Sermons by Tim Pyne (Page 8)
The Abundance of God
[Psalm 36] When we trust God’s abundance our response will be dependence
The Skies and Scriptures
[Psalm 19] What God sees and hears from us should reflect what we have seen and heard from Him
The End of the Matter
[Ecclesiastes 12] Our lives will be more than vanity when Jesus is our greatest reality
The Fragrance of Folly
[Ecclesiastes 10] Does my life reveal a heart of wisdom or folly?
Certainly Uncertain
[Ecclesiastes 9] Have you embraced God’s sovereignty as your certainty?
Limited, Limited Edition
[Ecclesiastes 8] True wisdom enjoys its benefits and accepts its limitations
A Better Life
[Ecclesiastes 7] Are your values in life preparing you for a better death?
Dissatisfaction Guaranteed
[Ecclesiastes 6] Only satisfaction in Christ brings satisfaction in life
“We” not “Me”
[Ecclesiastes 4] A valuable life is not found in wealth but in relationships
Seasons and Sovereignty
[Ecclesiastes 3] Have you submitted your time to the One who is over time?