Sermons on Sunday Morning (Page 10)
“We” not “Me”
[Ecclesiastes 4] A valuable life is not found in wealth but in relationships
Seasons and Sovereignty
[Ecclesiastes 3] Have you submitted your time to the One who is over time?
Spinning Your Wheels
[Ecclesiastes 2] Joy under the sun is possible when you live for the One over the sun
Does Anything Matter?
[Ecclesiastes 1] having a faith in God that is greater than our frustrations in life
I Am: The Vine
[John 15:1-11] Production for Christ flows through connection to Christ
I AM: the Way, the Truth, and the Life
[John 14:1-7] Jesus is the only way home
I AM: The Resurrection and the Life
[John 11:1-44] Is Jesus your resurrection and your life?
I AM: The Good Shepherd
[John 10:11-21] Jesus abandoned His life to give us abundant life
I AM: The Door
[John 10:1-10] Jesus came to supply salvation and satisfaction
I AM: The Light of the World
[John 8:12-20] Is the light of the world the light of your life?